The Elma Group performed well in the 2024 business year. In line with their growth strategy, Elma increased revenue to a record level and improved profitability significantly.
The Board of Directors of the Elma Group has appointed Frederic S. Müller, currently Group CFO of Wandfluh Group with headquarters in Frutigen Switzerland, as the new CFO of the Elma Group. He will start on June 1, 2025. Frederic S. Müller will succeed Edwin Wild who will be taking his well-deserved retirement after 16 successful years at Elma.
Elma Interim Results 2024: Elma starts successfully into 2024 and increases net sales and profitability considerably
The Annual General Meeting of Elma Electronic AG approved all agenda items and proposals put forward by the Board of Directors by a large majority.
The Elma Group continued its transformation process in 2023 and increased both order income, net sales and profit.
Elma increases order income and net sales and continues transformation process despite lower profitability
2023 Annual General Meeting
The year 2022 was challenging for the Elma Group due to geopolitical and economic uncertainties.
Strong increase in order income, operational business slowed down by shortages in the supply chains and lockdown in China.
2022 Annual General Meeting
The Elma Group increases order income, net sales, operating and net profit in the business year 2021 and resumes dividend payment.
Implementation of the US production strategy and increased market activities show first success
In the first four months of the current business year 2021, the Elma Group has significantly increased net sales as well as net profit compared with the previous year (also adjusted for currency translation).
Elma Electronic AG has prematurely extended the private placement, originally closed in July 2012, from a group of private investors in the amount of CHF 10 million for another period of five years.
2021 Annual General Meeting
The year 2020 was impacted by the global Covid-19 pandemic which posed considerable challenges for companies.
2020 Interim Results
The Elma Group held up well in the midst of the economic turmoil associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. Secured liquidity and a solid balance sheet enable Elma to manage this unprecedented time.
2020 Annual General Meeting
2019 Annual Report
CH-Wetzikon, November 28, 2019 - Business of the Elma Group will be significantly improved in the second half of 2019 compared with the first half of the year. Elma expects to close the 2019 business year with order income and net sales above the previous year.
CH-Wetzikon, November 1, 2019 - The Board of Directors of the Elma Group has appointed Thomas Herrmann, currently General Manager of Industrial Steam Turbines at GE Power, as the new CEO. He will start his new function by no later than May 1, 2020. Thomas Herrmann will succeed Fred Ruegg who will retire in 2020 as announced in August 2019.
Interim Results as of June 30, 2019
2019 Annual General Meeting
2018 Annual Report