
Read our non-financial reports to learn more about sustainability and Elma’s sustainability journey

Elma is committed to training all its employees on sustainability matters. Find out more about our approach to training below

In 2024 the Science Based Targets initiative approved Elma’s greenhouse gas emissions reductions targets

Sustainability is integrated into Elma’s Group strategy process

Elma started its sustainability journey


Elma’s reduction targets have been accepted by SBTi

Sept. 2024

Near-term absolute reduction targets


Net-zero & Long-term absolute reduction targets


Elma’s Approach to Sustainability

  • We see sustainability as an integral part of the Group’s strategy process
  • We recognize the complexity of global CO₂ reduction and the challenges facing people, organizations, companies, and countries
  • We adopt an absolute CO₂ reduction approach from our 2021 baseline
  • We raise awareness and provide training for all of our colleagues worldwide on sustainability issues in the Elma Climate School where we communicate the values and goals of the corporate culture of the Elma Group
  • We use science-based methodology to measure CO₂ emissions and define our CO₂ reduction targets
  • We engage with our stakeholders, including customers and suppliers, to reduce our collective carbon footprint

Baseline Emissions

Baseline emissions graph

2021 is the baseline year for Elma’s CO2e emissions reductions. Like many manufacturing companies Scope 3 represents the highest emissions and therefore the biggest challenge for Elma.

Emission Targets

Elma's emission targets, from 2021 to 2050

In 2024 SBTi validated Elma’s near-term and net-zero targets! This is Elma's commitment to CO2e reduction.

You can find more information in our sustainability reporting.


Elma is committed to train all its employees in topics related to sustainability, with an approach that is routed in our values! To stay relevant throughout the energy transition, Elma continues to make Progress by keeping all its employees well informed. By basing our trainings in up-to-date science, we promote Sincerity. We believe sustainability is a challenge for everyone and we can all make a bigger difference through Collaboration. Each of us is an expert in our own role, and by understanding the challenges we can all take Ownership and contribute to sustainability

Non-financial Reporting

In 2023 Elma published a non-financial report for the first time covering environmental, social, and governance topics. While Elma will continue to publish this report annually, you can read reports like it and more on our investor reports page.