Ruggedized COTS SBC solution with solid state storage

Provide a form, fit and functional replacement for a popular single board computer product - the SMART MVME5107 (formerly Motorola) - which had moved to end of life (EOL). Carry out and document a full suite of operational and environmental testing to ensure this new replacement board met all existing requirements of this critical, rugged UAV application.

Leveraging our longstanding partnership with SMART Embedded, Elma worked to develop a replacement for the 5107 board based on their MVME5110. Elma provided the customer with a detailed comparison of the feature sets of each of the two boards before making the necessary modifications. A ruggedized MVME5110 with PMC SATA solid state storage was developed as a fully integrated assembly including operating system, driver support, environmental stress screening and ruggedization related enhancements.

Seamless technology transition was achieved by avoiding the difficulties typically associated with EOL components. The customer was able to quickly and cost effectively demonstrate a direct replacement to the end user. Elma’s solution allowed the customer to purchase the unit as a complete assembly rather than individual components for in house processing and testing. Elma’s years of custom assembly and test experience resulted in these additional cost savings:

  • Improved assembly yields and total assembly costs compared to in house processing and labor
  • Higher overall assembly quality
  • Reduced inventory carrying costs
  • Lower procurement costs when purchasing the unit complete
  • Streamlined support and spares services with Elma as the one stop supplier

airborne sigInt_SBC solution


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