Multi-domain CompactPCI system solution

Provide a highly reliable chassis level solution in support of this precision image processing application.

Supplied fully integrated and tested systems to the customer. Designed custom backplane, sourced all required embedded boards, performed qualification, verification, validation and production test development services with supporting documentation. Managed the supply chain including materials and boards from multiple vendors while maintaining tight control over the manufacturing process.
Provided fully documented configuration management including consderation for EOL components, costs, and new technology insertion.

Elma enabled the customer to concentrate on core capabilities and to maintain precision standards required of the medical equipment industry. This unit can be ordered under a single part number for faster MTTR. As the system integrator, spares depot and single point of support contact, we actively assist the customer in maintaining high levels of reliability. Significant risk and cost mitigation due to design and manufacturing improvements with our rigid adherence to schedules.

multi-domain cPCI system solution
Compact PCI


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