Over the past several years, the Modular Open RF Architecture (MORA) has evolved to address the challenges of increasingly complex radio frequency (RF) systems through an open standards-based infrastructure. With several industry partners working together to develop a collaborative framework, MORA’s interoperability and modularity has been realized, resulting in successful demonstrations of multiple manufacturers’ technologies working together. So, we asked some of our open standards partners: What’s next for MORA-based systems and the embedded computing community, now that interoperability demonstrations have been successfully deployed?
Looking back we can now see a shift in how development platforms are designed and how they are used by our integrator customer base. That shift is making it easier and less expensive to perform the development stages of a deployable system project and put solutions into the hands of the warfighter faster than ever before. Development hardware can also be shared between projects, or inherited by subsequent projects. This saves not only on lab budget, but the time to order and receive all new hardware for a new development project.
Ladepunkte sind unverzichtbare Komponenten der E-Mobilität. Dadurch bilden sie ein stark wachsendes Marktsegment. Insbesondere bei der Wahl der Stromversorgung lohnt sich für Hersteller allerdings ein genauer Blick auf die Anforderungen. Denn die richtige Stromversorgung verbessert sowohl die Qualität einer Ladestation als auch die Effizienz und die Sicherheit des gesamten Ladesystems. Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, Ihnen den Entscheid für eine passende Stromversorgung für Ladelösungen aller Art für autonome und manuelle Fahrzeuge zu erleichtern.
Similar to how cloud computing evolved over the last decade to the de facto way of storing and managing data, Edge AI is taking off. Edge AI is one of the most notable trends in artificial intelligence, as it allows people to run AI processes without having to be concerned about security or slowdowns due to data transmission. And its impact is notable in industrial embedded computing, since it allows platforms to react quickly to inputs without access to the cloud. We asked some Edge AI partners: If analytics can be performed in the cloud, what is the benefit of an Edge AI approach, especially as it’s related to industrial embedded computing?
We are taking AI Computing to the next level! Find out how our membership in the NVIDIA® Partner Network complements the designs of our rugged computing systems to deliver enhanced deployable systems specifically designed to operate in harsh environments.
CompactPCI Serial hat dank seiner Modularität, Skalierbarkeit und Kosteneffizienz bemerkenswerte Erfolge in robusten Embedded-Branchen erzielt. Es handelt sich um einen modularen, offenen Standard, der hervorragende Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in Anwendungen bietet, in denen er den härtesten Umweltanforderungen standhält. Schließlich ist es in der Eisenbahn- und Transportbranche weit verbreitet. Für diesen Blog haben wir einigen Mitgliedern der CompactPCI Serial-Community folgende Frage gestellt: Welche Aspekte sollten Ingenieure bei der Bewertung von CompactPCI Serial als potenzielle Systemarchitektur kennen?