Advanced Cooling Approaches for Rugged System Designs

Live Webinar



Open standards, such as Sensor Open System Architecture™ (SOSA), point to alternative cooling standards. One approach is called AFT, or air flow-through cooling, which will be the main focus of this webinar.
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August 22, 2023


August 22, 2023

As new chip technologies are incorporated into cards designed to align with the SOSA™ Technical Standard and OpenVPX, physical cooling limits become more challenging and impact system design. Across all circuit card implementations - multi-core single board computers, Ethernet switches, GPGPUs, high-performance FPGA cards - power dissipation can easily exceed 100 watts or greater, and conventional cooling schemes are hitting the performance wall.

Open standards, such as Sensor Open System Architecture™ (SOSA), point to alternative cooling standards. One approach is called AFT, or air flow-through cooling. AFT is already being successfully fielded in standard and non-standard applications.

VITA also defines AFT cooling standards, and they come in different flavors. Today, there are three AFT approaches defined as VITA 48.5, VITA 48.8, and VITA 48.9. The approach currently adopted by SOSA is VITA 48.8.

In this webinar, we will examine the thermal challenges posed by these high-performance cards and more importantly, show how they can be solved with cooling approaches like AFT. Each speaker brings a perspective from a different side of system design for a comprehensive look at system cooling.


Ken Grob, Director, Embedded Technologies, Elma Electronic

David Gash, Manager of COTS Engineering, Behlman Electronics