Elma Electronic 是嵌入式運算解決方案的全球領導者,包括整合式機箱系統、主機板產品、模組化機櫃、設備櫃以及標準和定制配置的精密硬體元件。作為一個全球性組織,我們在三大洲擁有銷售、設計和製造設施,與全球客戶和合作夥伴關係緊密。
全球力量帶來不斷變化的技術挑戰,Elma 已準備好面對這些挑戰。Elma 是先進嵌入式運算解決方案的全球領導者和行業創新者。我們的產品和整合平台基於一組模塊化建構塊,例如機櫃、精密硬件元件、旋轉開關和嵌入式計算板。
In the past few years, several end-of-life (EOL) announcements in the embedded computing market have both caused angst and opportunity. Making the shift away from a tried-and-true solution always brings with it the need to review not only the mechanical elements of an embedded system, but the integration and networking elements as well. And when that review is forced upon a designer, as in the case of an EOL announcement, it may mean forced choices of not-as-optimum alternatives. Or it could be something different altogether.