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Whether it’s in a lab, or an industrial setting, or even a mobile vehicle, instruments need to be increasingly smaller. In designing instrument cases, exact measurements are critical in maximizing density and performance. So how can this be achieved without high costs of tooling? How can costs be mitigated for prototypes or low volumes? This paper examines how.

Railway communication - fast and safe with CompactPCI Serial

Whether it’s in a lab, or an industrial setting, or even a mobile vehicle, instruments need to be increasingly smaller. In designing instrument cases, exact measurements are critical in maximizing density and performance. So how can this be achieved without high costs of tooling? How can costs be mitigated for prototypes or low volumes? This paper examines how.

The CompactPCI Serial specification defines an affordable high speed serial, modular, and scalable approach to building systems for a wide range of applications, including transportation, aerospace, military, instrumentation, data acquisition, and communications. This paper describes the reasons and benefits of designing an embedded computing solution using this specification.

Why CompactPCI Serial Suits Your Application

The CompactPCI Serial specification defines an affordable high speed serial, modular, and scalable approach to building systems for a wide range of applications, including transportation, aerospace, military, instrumentation, data acquisition, and communications. This paper describes the reasons and benefits of designing an embedded computing solution using this specification.

Railway continues to be a highly viable form of mass transit and freight transport, with major infrastructure updates and high speed lines targeted for development over the coming years.

Riding the Rails - Cabinet Design Considerations to Meet AREMA & CENELEC Rail Standards

Railway continues to be a highly viable form of mass transit and freight transport, with major infrastructure updates and high speed lines targeted for development over the coming years.