Leveraging MOSA for C5ISR, Electronic Warfare, & Radar Applications

March 4, 2024

As adversarial threats grow in complexity, the need for the U.S. military's electronic warfare (EW) and signal intelligence (SIGINT) systems to rapidly evolve is more critical than ever. Traditionally hindered by proprietary, closed architectures resulting in high costs and limited flexibility, the tide is turning with the advent of open systems architectures.

This webinar spotlight the transformative impact of the Sensor Open Systems Architecture (SOSA) edition 1.0, the C5ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS), and the Modular Open RF Architecture (MORA), derived from the VICTORY architecture. These frameworks are pioneering a shift towards open standards and interfaces, promoting collaboration between industry and government to redefine defense technology design and implementation.

Participants will learn how leveraging these open architectures enables the seamless integration of cutting-edge commercial technologies in RF, signal processing, and AI. This strategic move not only accelerates the deployment of advanced capabilities but also ensures systems are more adaptable, cost-effective, and capable of meeting future challenges head-on. Join us to explore how SOSA, CMOS, and MORA are setting the stage for a new era of military readiness and strategic advantage.

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Autonomous ISR payloads

April 19, 2023

Uncrewed aerial systems (UASs), uncrewed ground vehicles (UGVs), uncrewed surface vessels (USVs), and uncrewed undersea vehicles (UUVs) continue to be force multipliers for U.S. military operations.